
If I was struggling, then I knew someone else was too.
Your personal life always affects your work life, and vice versa. That’s why I became a life coach. Because I couldn’t keep talking about sales

Our Things
We pile our things on shelves in closets inside memory books. We carefully place them, then dust them. We hold them. Then when they become

Assuming and Napping
I think we’re all just silently assuming that everyone else is handling life better than us, when really we all just desperately want to take

Sometimes I don’t think that I’ll ever have enough energy, mental spark, personal motivation, or gumption to really be who I want to be.
But then I realize that I define who I want to be with the clarifying words of money, influence, and success. And while none of

Doing all the Things
I was recounting to someone the other day about my month of fun events and plans, while lamenting the extrememe fatigue that follows me after

I need to say this for all of us
What’s something that’s true for the chronically tired but doesn’t get talked out loud often enough? Success looks different for us. Let me explain. We