Molly's Blog

How to be like a Marianne

Hot and sticky.

The buzzing hum from the electrical lines.

Cotton candy and elephant ears.

Dusty ground mixed with heated air.

Chaos mixed with joy and delighted terror.

This is a summer fair in northern USA.

And 5 year old Marianne, in her cotton shorts and white tee, clasping the hand of her soocer buddy, who she just ran into, is confidently telling the ride directors, “I’m with her.” She never shows her tickets. Doesn’t have a ticket arm band. It simply doesn’t occur to her that she can’t ride whatever her friend is going on, so neither does it to the people around her. She rides everything that looks good to her, anything that allows as many inches as she is tall.

Most of the time in life we don’t do something because we have a thought that passes through our mind that begins with “can’t.” And so, we go no further. We don’t attribute the results in our life to this thought, because it feels like a tactile reality, not a sentence in our head. But what would happen if we delete that sentence and replace it with, “What if it is possible? ….What if I can?”

This is a soft place for your brain to rest- the between. Where nothing feels impossible or too scary, you’re just trying the idea on.

And then what if you stayed there. Rested. And then continued. What would happen then? What would happen in your life?

Maybe you can ride whatever you want for free.

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