Molly's Blog

The moment between day and night

There is this moment, right before dark, when the sky dips down and melts into colors.

The whole earth is suspended in a moment so quiet, so exquisite, that an inheld breath of joy is all you have time for before it’s gone.

All it takes is a shout from the kitchen, “Come look out the window and see!” or a rush from the passenger in the seat next to you earnestly pressing against the glass exclaiming, “It’s like you could drive into it….” before it disappears.

“Where the earth meets the sky.” It’s a moment that you can’t explain, yet feel with every pulse inside of you.

That balance between light and dark, day and night, is akin to the slipping of time that we all feel. It’s that magical moment when everything melts together and for a second in time we know everyone is ok and anything is possible.

Live and in color we see how fleeting that moment is, and how quickly time passes. But oh how suprememly blissful it is. And we spend the rest of our days seeking it again and again. 

I love that moment.

And so do you.

For life is a hue of of days and nights with flashes of sunsets melting together. 

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