Molly's Blog

More Life

After spending several years really sort of drowing in my own issues, thinking all the things I struggled with defined me and what I was capable of….I’ve been on a new, thoroughly more interesting journey this past year.

Yes, I have things. We all have things. My things are ones, generally speaking, that seem to create a limited type of life. For example, being more introverted, more tired (with chronic Idiopathic hypersomnia), more sensitive and emotional on the HSP and neuro spectrum, being more empathetic and worried about other people and their opinions….it’s really easy to have fewer friends, leave the house less, and create a barrier of safety between myeslf and the world.

But then it occurred to me….what if being more of me wasn’t a problem. But also, what if I could fully embrace these tendenciees of mine, and instead of judging them, seek out the ways that uniquely make me capapble of living my life to the fullest.

…Finding more life in my veins and in my unique nuances, not less. Finding more to thrive with. More rhythms that serve me. More energy. More time for things I love. More health. More freedom. More of Me and less of a small life.

Does that make sense?

When we try to understand ourselves and how we’re wired, or what we’re good at, I find that we sort of close ourselves off from the possiblity that there is an increase within ourselves that we are capable of. That we can find more of who we are and what we’re good at, not less.

That we can be more, not less.

That we can thrive more, not less.

That we can like ourselves more and what we do to make the world better, not less.

That we can quite simply have More Life. Period.

That in these short-lived years on earth, we can pursue more things. Better health. More joy. More understanding.

So I created a brand new instagram page from my main one @mollygladengle, where I addressed more privately the very things that I struggle with, and how I’m using those things to chase More Life. And I invite you to follow me there. I don’t as of yet have it linked to this website, but type it in old school and you should find me easy enough. There, you will find the weekly ways I’m slowing down, breathing deeper, enjoying my life more, nourishing my body and soul more, and using the skills I have to coach you through the same experiences. I was a social seller and entrepreneur like you. I’ve been on the hurry and productivity bus to try and make my stake and legacy in the world. I’ve gone through the emotions of schedule chaos and screaming kids and tense conversations with my husband. I’ve dealt with the staring at my phone endlessly to create conversations with people about how a product could make their life better while my own house felt like it was burning down. I’ve worn myself out and stressed myself out trying to live up to the traveling and creating life on your terms offered to us on social media. I’ve lost myself. Trying to keep up. And I’ve gotten stuck being someone I’m not to make other people happy….to make them like me. To keep up with their lifestyle and expectations. When all I really needed was a nap and some protein and some good music.

Now I coach you from my heart. Not from a training or a goal, but from experience and deep understanding. You can make it. Yes, you can. You can find what you want and do it messy and be happy. You can actually have more of what you want and who you really are, not less. You can have more life. You can chase it with me.

Follow me here: @ijustneedanapfirst

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