Molly's Blog

Adventure happens when we decide to live our life instead of exist in it.

There are moments all around us full of adventure, if we look for them. It’s these simple events that we daydream about the most later on, while the big ones get lost in the chaos of a busy life. I think it’s really easy to just take life as it comes. Especially when you’re already tired. Savouring little moments and appreciating the daily tasks can be hard when it all feels like survival. But when we let our life dictate to us, something happens. It passes. Our life, that is. And we realize we’re old, our thoughts are tired, and things have happened to us regardless of our pleasure for them.

But when we take the small things, the mundane things, the tasks that have riddled into our being, we see something- we’re afraid of not doing them. We’re afraid to step out and see them as they are, for fear the very thing we have come to loathe will suddenly disappear, and we’re no longer alive in our day.

I always thought I could be someone really adventurous who travelled the world. I made it to China and England before realizing I loved the comforts of home, the familiar, and the safe. It took me years before I truly understood myself enough to know that my need for something cozy wasn’t about being lazy, but came from a deep place of a fatigue that hadn’t been diagnosed. It took me even longer to appreciate that the genuine way I gave all of me to every conversation with full understanding, was really a skill and authenticity that would lead me to my favorite career. But it wasn’t until I had 2 kids and a husband who could help me handle the stressful and hard, that my dream of traveling and doing some adventurous things came to fruition. It’s also when I realized that what I do every day, just by seeing the world with a different lens than what I’m told to have, and with clear eyes for what really matters, is the very adventure I had always craved.

I’m glad you’re here with me.


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